An interesting thing got thrown into my plate today. I know it is awesome not to get hangover (my other super power), but I am pretty good at spewing forth random bits of word vomit as well. You are basically looking at the words version of drinking indecent amounts of tequila... thinking its your jam coming on and then dancing until you start to bubble over...
In case you are not getting the picture, it is like this... but with words
This is a bit of an overkill when it comes to saying that you don't approve of your friend's choice in men, but it will do nicely to emphasize my point.
Now imagine if I can light up people's lives with more bits and pieces (and chunks) like this? The world doesn't need another inspirational message on Facebook. There is enough boring to go around for many years. We will probably only run out of boring around the same time that the sun burns out.
I think my contribution to the next generation should include random rants of nothingness (and everything-ness... yes you can use that one in our next Scrabble game. You're welcome)
Well ba-bye